MIT米特薩克斯風重奏團 藝術總監 Artistic Director

【 MIT米特薩克斯風重奏團 藝術總監 Artistic Director 】

米特創團至今三年,首位藝術總監總算誕生了!今年起,米特邀請到薩克斯風演奏家Lars Mlekusch擔任本團的藝術總監。

Lars Mlekusch老師同時任教於國立維也納音樂院及瑞士蘇黎世音樂院,並於2005-2015年擔任維也納薩克斯風交響樂團藝術總監,並且每年擔任維也納薩克斯風藝術節藝術總監,2016年接任米特薩克斯風重奏團藝術總監。這位集指揮、演奏、教學、行政長才於一身的Lars Mlekusch老師,無疑是當今樂壇最活躍的音樂家之一!

長期關注、支持米特的朋友,對於這位演奏家一定不陌生。早在2014年,米特首次邀請Lars Mlekusch老師來到台灣,與米特完成了五場巡演、三場大師班,在米特的草創階段,Lars Mlekusch老師不只給了我們很多養分,還給予我們這群年輕的台灣老師極高的評價,讓我們更有信心去將一場又一場的演出呈現給台灣的聽眾!我們很榮幸,跟Lars Mlekusch老師的緣分可以延續下去,也希望在這位世界頂尖音樂家的帶領之下,米特薩克斯風重奏團能夠繼續成長!幸福的台灣樂迷們,從今年開始,即將有更多的機會,看到Lars Mlekusch老師帶著米特演出唷!

【 MIT Saxophone Ensemble Artistic Director 】

We are thrilled to announce that the Swiss saxophonist and conductor, Lars Mlekusch, has agreed to be our ensemble Artistic Director.

Mlekusch’s career of teaching saxophone at the collegiate level started in 2005 when he was appointed saxophone professor at the Music and Arts University of Vienna. In 2015, he has been appointed the new saxophone professor at the Zurich University of the Arts.

Mlekusch receives reputation as a conductor, a performer, a pedagogue, and an manager of the music-related activities. He was the Artistic Director of the Vienna Saxophonic Orchestra between 2005 and 2015. He is also the Artistic Director of the annually saxophone festival in Vienna, the Vienna International Saxfest. In 2016, as one of the most well-known saxophonists in the world, he has extended his music career overseas, became the Artistic Director of the MIT Saxophone Ensemble in Taiwan.

The MIT Saxophone Ensemble’s first collaboration with Mr. Lars Mlekusch can be traced back in 2014, giving a tour of five concerts and three masterclasses in Taiwan. With Mlekusch’s leadership and high expectation to the ensemble, as we grow, it is our hope to bring the performances with high quality and more diversities to the Taiwan audience in the near future.

【風芒】全紀錄 – MIT & Lars Mlekusch

